Tuesday, December 30, 2008

long time no type

so I am now back in chucktown after a week in the lou. well i have been back two days. yesterday was filled with watching nc state lose to rutgers for the sole reason that their star quarterback got hurt. was sad to see them lose. then i watched tv and thought about working on my thesis.

here's a summary of my trip to the lou: first plane ride sat next to elbows mcgee who traveled with like fifteen bags (may be a slight exaggeration) full of knitting needles and yarn. 1. how do you get through security with all those needles and b. what makes you think that you can knit on a plane and just send your yarn bits everywhere. I got off the plane with yarn all up on my pants. not cool elbows not cool. also she was wearing one of those wallet purses circ 1994 that she wore the whole flight and anytime she moved it was in my side. she also lifted the arm rest when i told her i was in the window seat. how often do you leave the arm rest up when you dont know the person you are sitting next to? heck i leave it down when i do know the person next to me. weird... next flight companion was a sleepy asian girl who i hope wasnt japanese b/c they guy behind us, who is spending a year in japan teaching english, kept saying how the japanese were the most racist people. awkward...oh and he totally only learned japan and went there b/c of his incessant love for anime. i just know it.

so i get to the lou. set up the village. help gene with his trains. by the way they are fifty five years old and still work. i think he told everyone this. except sean. b/c he doesnt talk to sean. for some reason. i mean someone helps out your family when you are not there for the past six years and you cant think of one nice word to say to him. seriously? so he's not a millionaire, or an engineer, or a genius, but isn't it good enough that he cares about your family and everyone else enjoys his presence? get over it. he's not going anywhere.

wrapped presents. did a little shopping. ate a lot of delicious food including way too many cookies, desserts, sweets. made a bunch of cookies, desserts, sweets too. played with idgie. fed butch all the food in the world including corn, black eyed peas, and bacon b/c at 16 she is allowed to eat whatever she wants. watched high school bball with ally. then....christmas. opened presents. the usual. ate great dinner. ham. roast. potatoes. corn casserole. etc. saw bedtime stories. very cute. should have bet on gene laughing at a fart during the movie. b/c i would have won some serious money. hung out with sean and kevie. he still loves me - kevie that is. im guessing sean does too. he's told me so. did some more shopping. went through old stuff in my closet at the rent's house. reminisced on how i wish i was back in high school and playing sports, but this time i would start in basketball and not just keep the team's gpa up. watched tv and movies to round it all out. hopped back on places but this time didnt spent a million hours in detroit delayed and seeing my own breath inside the airport. never fly through detroit in the winter. went through memphis, contemplated getting on the flight to baton rouge and tupelo. ate lenny's which they forgot to put the cheese on. but it was still good. sat next to a seemingly frustrated lady on the way to charleston who totally stole my arm rest. i dont care if you are bigger than me, you dont get my arm rest. got back here and scrounged up a meal and slept.

woke up yesterday with a runny nose. went to bed and woke up with ears on fire. like seriously i wanted to cry they hurt so bad. fortunately, the pain has died down, but i still can't hear a thing. head colds suck. i cant wait to take the tylenol cold with antihistamine in an hour and half. hello sleep. i just wrote a chapter of my thesis which took like thirty minutes but i have been putting it off for two days. i would have a lot more info for it if the c of c library wasnt closed. i mean i know its break but people do do research over breaks. duh. also took a four hour nap today and am still pooped. ugh...

i have some really exciting plans for new years. note: hint of sarcasm. im thinking of getting some groceries and just eating and watching tv all day. theres an absolutely fabulous marathon on bbc america tomorrow, seriously contemplating watching that. honestly i have babysat for like the last ten years on new years so i dont know what to do. plus im not a boozer so its not like im gonna go hang out at a bar to build up to a ten second countdown. although it is nice to be in the same time zone as the one in ny so that i dont have to watch the ball drop twice. new years is kind of anti climactic holiday. i mean unless you have a bunch of friends to hang with it really is pointless.

on to aimlessly search the internet for an hour while i should be doing real work but choose not to....

--There are 7 levels of hell, she said, & I think one of them is reserved for people who bring jello salads to every potluck they go to.--

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the mention, I was there over break too, remember the delicious steak dinner I bought you :) - Kristin
