Saturday, December 20, 2008

thinkity think time

all this alone time really makes you think. it also makes you watch a lot of tv. and eat an entire box of sugar cookies. ok i almost ate all of them. i am taking some to st.louis with me. i sure hope those airline people dont take them away from me. these airlines are silly. they are going to charge me 15 bucks to check a bag. i mean the ticket was already a good bit of money and then they charge you extra b/c you have to bring christmas presents. ridonculous. they already dont give me peanuts but offer me trail mix for 2 bucks. um no thanks on paying for trail mix that i can make myself. gah. i mean seriously, i love flying, but they sure have taken away a lot of the perks. i miss the honey roasted peanuts. those were delish. those pretzels that some airlines give you these day are not exactly delish. and flight attendant, i do not want ice in my orange juice. g-ross. it's already concentrate geezum don't water it down anymore.

i wish i could summarize all my thoughts from the last three days, but there were so many i lost count. plus i am sure i talked to myself a lot. i did talk to our neighbor last night when i went to take pics of christmas lights in marion square. he said something to me ending in lovely. i said oh yeah. then he asked me what i wanted for christmas. i said money to pay bills. he said a sentence ending in bankruptcy and pointed to his friends in his front yard. then he gave me a hug and said something else ending in lovely again. oh and he liked out christmas lights. his name is nookie. he has a really sweet white suit he wore one time and came over and visited with us when we had a fire going in matty's fire pit. it was sharp. but i kind of think that he is most likely intoxicated 88% of the time so you don't always know what he is saying. but he does always remind us to buckle up when we pull out of the drive way so he does care about our safety.

so flying out tomorrow. going through detriot where they are having a snowstorm. oh joy. i am leaving charleston where it will be 65 degrees and going to st. louis where it will be 5 degrees. no joke. check i have not been in 5 degree weather probably since i lived in st. louis back in the day (which was a wednesday) c. 1985 - 96. i think i may freeze to death. my toes and nose are already terrified and worried about their condition once they hit the cold air. although if i do get stuck in detriot, skollar has told me that the airport is really nice. so that is a positive i guess. i could ride the terminal train all night pretending im on the subway in europe or something. maybe there will be internationals on the train to make it seem more authentic.

not much exciting over the past couple of days. rented girl with a pearl earring, four weddings and a funeral, and the big chill. didnt get a chance to watch the big chill. wasnt sure it would be as good as the hype on the back said. but it will still be at the library when i get back so it is still a possibility. ate fried ice cream and sugar cookies from the teet (harris teeter, a grocery store, known locally, as in at this house as the teet. we also have the pig - piggly wiggly). drank a lot of water out of a styrofoam cup i got three days ago b/c it has a straw and i like straws. had a turkey bacon sandwich for dinner and watched way too many hours of real housewives of orange county season 4. got all my crizzap packed and just gonna go read about 18th century rich british peeps for a while. the next post will either be from an airport if my wireless works or from the lou. peace out

--There was a boy with skin as dark as the earth & a girl with eyes as blue as the deep & they loved each other so well that people could not tell them apart, for in their hearts, there was no difference between them.--

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