Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I am Legend

so i feel like dr. neville in i am legend - which i just watched with matty a few days ago and i cant say i loved it. it ended alright but i dont know too much suspense and crazy human vampire things for me. anywho, i feel like him b/c everyone has officially left essentially. i am all alone in this big yellow house. only difference is i dont have to lock my house with iron sheets and bolts or anything to keep the vampires out and well when i walk the streets of charleston during the day, there are other people. but maybe they are vampires? a mutated form of vampire that can survive during the daylight. who knows.

i really stink at entertaining myself these days. the tv gets old. especially when new episodes of gossip girl and grey's arent on. i could work on thesis, but i need a few days break. i did a little today. im thinking about taking some bike rides around town the next two days as it will be 78 and 80!!! i may be wearing shorts in december. whack. maybe ill take some photogs. but after that im all out of ideas. im reading the duchess, about georgiana, the duchess of devonshire. its interesting but unfortunately i think im mildly add as my attention span is like that of a - oh look a squirrel. its bad. this whole sucking at being alone really worries me. what happens when i graduate, dont have school work to keep me busy, and only work so many hours a day (fingers crossed for the work part)? i may have to take up a hobby, like quilting, or spelunking, or tree climbing. i will be on the lookout for good hobbies.

today consisted of not getting much sleep and waking up really tired, going to school and organizing eight, count em, eight chapters of my thesis of which like four are finito. cha ching. but theres still way more to go unless i just want to hand in a glorified research paper and well...i dont. tried to get chik fil a for lunch but apparently the stern center closes at 2 b/c i guess break officially started today. backup was philly cheesesteak at the haven. it was aight. piddled on the computer - not literally, like i mean i looked stuff up etc. i didnt use the bathroom on the computer. i dont own it and that would be wrong. did some cad work for bridget, it was soothing. took skollar to the airport. contemplated going to the outlet mall but realized i need nothing from there. spent hours trying to find moms christmas present only to realize that ill have to get it in the lou. watched jon and kate plus 8, ghosthunters, and jeopardy until i realized the categories el suckoed. made scrambled eggs for dinner with eggs from the monks at mepkin abbey who would continue to raise chickens and eggs if peta hadnt gotten involved. monks are so violent towards chickens, especially the cistercians. peta - get a life! they are monks and they only raise them for eggs. ding dongs. and now at the late hour of 8:54 i am going to get in bed and read for a while. enrich the neurons.

tomorrow is a mystery. we shall see what happens. i may shop for moms present. or ride bikes - see aforementioned topics in paragraph above. i do know this though - i am having rotini with spaghetti sauce for dinner. heck maybe an early dinner too. peace.

If I ran the world, he told me, I'd pretty much leave it alone & spend my time reading & I'd advise other people to do the same. Which is why I'll probably never run the world, he said.

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