Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I petted a water buffalo

not much has gone on the past few days. went to the library. read articles, wrote notes, scanned images, photocopied. tried to get some quality research done so that i can move on to other sections of the thesis which i affectionately call feces. applied and sent off for a passport yesterday. just need to finish my us icomos application so i can be an intern overseas this summer. fingers crossed.

today was fantastic. went to middleton plantation. google it. i will have pics later when i find my camera cord. it has the oldest formal gardens in the country. didnt even see them all and was there four hours. saw a cow, named her louise even though her name is rio. milked her too. check that one of the life to do list. i petted a water buffalo named adam. he had a pen mate named burk. they also had stinky pigs, ducks, geeze, chickens, a mean looking rooster, and horseys. louise was my favorite. one of these days i will get a cow.

the main house and one of its flankers are gone. due to those darn yankees. felt they needed to burn stuff, including books!!! now that's not cool at all. i have yankee in my blood, but i may not claim it any more seeing they burned books. aghh!!! only thing left is south flanker and they converted it to their house after the rest of their property was destroyed, looted, and burned in the civil war, the war of northern aggression, the war between the states, the war of secession, etc. still have the rubble piles of the house though which is interesting that it was never moved, reused, etc. still has the original hallway present. coolio.

we rolled down the hills. made for some serious fun. a group of older ladies said they would have joined in but they didnt want to hurt themselves. i dont know how i did that so much as a kid. i was really dizzy and i picked up some serious speed. i know i caught air at some points. we saw an alligator. jossy almost walked into him and that could have ended badly. we did a lot of walking and saw some of the most beautiful gardens and landscape eva. once again i will add pics later for all to see. i mean seriously i am so lucky to live here and see the stuff i get to see. i dont think i could ever live somewhere that is not beautiful. it would be depressing. i.e. detroit. and dont try to tell me that detroit is pretty, im not stupid nor blind. so it was a seriously amazing day. beautiful weather. in the high 60s low 70s sunny with a nice breeze. eat it northerners, midwesterners, other southerners, etc. but its supposed to rain tomorrow and cool off. so it will be in the low 60s. better find my coat.

been reading a lot about tabby. its alright. interesting just gets tiring. i get it, you mix shells with water, lime and sand and pour it in a mold. check. got it. i will soon be moving on to concrete. get excited....

went to a partay at a professors place last night. met some very interesting people whose relatives have been in charleston since like well...the beginning. like 1670. thats serious. had some killer cheese and grapes and white wine. was also called brilliant by my prof. now i am hoping he was sober when he said that b/c if he wasn't, then that would be disappointing. but i think he was. he had a great martini glass - it was flashing. i must find a set just to have to drink kool aid out of.

but the party and my terrible way of not putting myself out there made me realize, along with some encouragement from a good friend, that i should be more confident in myself. not sure how to gain that, but definitely something to work on for...i wont say 09 b/c i dont really like resolutions....but rather to work on for life. confidence is not something that comes naturally, we will see how this goes. once again, fingers crossed, i will soon run out of fingers to cross...

gonna go tidy up the humble abode and jam out to some tunes, then maybe aimless internet searching for awhile....i know, exciting...

--I'm an outsider by choice, she said, but I'm hoping that won't be my choice forever.--

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