Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A First Profound Post

so i am going to try my hand at this blogging thing although i dont expect a ton of readers. nor do i expect to make profound, life altering statements or have amazingly interesting stories. i guess this will end up being more for me. how selfish i know. but then again for those people that i care a lot about but dont get to see much because life gets in the way, i guess this can serve as a way to see what the heck i am doing.

as for the title of my blog, some people will know where that comes from and well the rest of you, you will find out later. its just a funny story that i will probably never ever forget. thanks kate - honestly you are one of the funniest and most enjoyable people i have ever met and little michael should be glad to know he has so many admirers.

warning to all readers (all maybe two to three of you): i am wordy, i dont mean to be, for some reason i have always been a lot wordier when i write or type than when i speak. it may be a disorder. i dont know. so some posts may be long. incredibly long. but hopefully if you really like me or really care you will read it. if not, no biggie.

also, i have seen that you can add all sorts of things like pics and stuff to this jazz and well once i figure out how to do that. trust me i will. i love photos and one day will learn the art of photography.

lastly, i am going to try to do the same thing everytime i end my posts. that will be using a quote or a saying that i really like and to tell the truth, most of them will come from storypeople b/c sometimes i feel like they were written about me even though i know their creator has never and probably will never meet me. it basically boils down to that if i ever become a professor, i always wanted to be the one that had a schtick/trademark. like my anthropology professor, bob, who always wore a cross stitched belt that looked like the flags of the world and everyday would say "it's a great day for anthropology!" i dont think i ever saw him mad. ever. except that i wanted mine to be that on the first day of classes i would enter the room (picture a large auditorium like room) from the back and come down the aisle to an 80s rock song with fog machines and then i would jump up on the lecture table thing like they had in the rooms at lsu and just talk about myself. i would also use powerpoints to present information that had randomly thrown in pictures of my pets. so anywho since this is on the computer, my trademark will obviously have to be typed. so there. so to ceremoniously being this thing....

Hasn't started to make sense of the world yet but thinks it's beautiful all the same.

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