Tuesday, December 30, 2008

long time no type

so I am now back in chucktown after a week in the lou. well i have been back two days. yesterday was filled with watching nc state lose to rutgers for the sole reason that their star quarterback got hurt. was sad to see them lose. then i watched tv and thought about working on my thesis.

here's a summary of my trip to the lou: first plane ride sat next to elbows mcgee who traveled with like fifteen bags (may be a slight exaggeration) full of knitting needles and yarn. 1. how do you get through security with all those needles and b. what makes you think that you can knit on a plane and just send your yarn bits everywhere. I got off the plane with yarn all up on my pants. not cool elbows not cool. also she was wearing one of those wallet purses circ 1994 that she wore the whole flight and anytime she moved it was in my side. she also lifted the arm rest when i told her i was in the window seat. how often do you leave the arm rest up when you dont know the person you are sitting next to? heck i leave it down when i do know the person next to me. weird... next flight companion was a sleepy asian girl who i hope wasnt japanese b/c they guy behind us, who is spending a year in japan teaching english, kept saying how the japanese were the most racist people. awkward...oh and he totally only learned japan and went there b/c of his incessant love for anime. i just know it.

so i get to the lou. set up the village. help gene with his trains. by the way they are fifty five years old and still work. i think he told everyone this. except sean. b/c he doesnt talk to sean. for some reason. i mean someone helps out your family when you are not there for the past six years and you cant think of one nice word to say to him. seriously? so he's not a millionaire, or an engineer, or a genius, but isn't it good enough that he cares about your family and everyone else enjoys his presence? get over it. he's not going anywhere.

wrapped presents. did a little shopping. ate a lot of delicious food including way too many cookies, desserts, sweets. made a bunch of cookies, desserts, sweets too. played with idgie. fed butch all the food in the world including corn, black eyed peas, and bacon b/c at 16 she is allowed to eat whatever she wants. watched high school bball with ally. then....christmas. opened presents. the usual. ate great dinner. ham. roast. potatoes. corn casserole. etc. saw bedtime stories. very cute. should have bet on gene laughing at a fart during the movie. b/c i would have won some serious money. hung out with sean and kevie. he still loves me - kevie that is. im guessing sean does too. he's told me so. did some more shopping. went through old stuff in my closet at the rent's house. reminisced on how i wish i was back in high school and playing sports, but this time i would start in basketball and not just keep the team's gpa up. watched tv and movies to round it all out. hopped back on places but this time didnt spent a million hours in detroit delayed and seeing my own breath inside the airport. never fly through detroit in the winter. went through memphis, contemplated getting on the flight to baton rouge and tupelo. ate lenny's which they forgot to put the cheese on. but it was still good. sat next to a seemingly frustrated lady on the way to charleston who totally stole my arm rest. i dont care if you are bigger than me, you dont get my arm rest. got back here and scrounged up a meal and slept.

woke up yesterday with a runny nose. went to bed and woke up with ears on fire. like seriously i wanted to cry they hurt so bad. fortunately, the pain has died down, but i still can't hear a thing. head colds suck. i cant wait to take the tylenol cold with antihistamine in an hour and half. hello sleep. i just wrote a chapter of my thesis which took like thirty minutes but i have been putting it off for two days. i would have a lot more info for it if the c of c library wasnt closed. i mean i know its break but people do do research over breaks. duh. also took a four hour nap today and am still pooped. ugh...

i have some really exciting plans for new years. note: hint of sarcasm. im thinking of getting some groceries and just eating and watching tv all day. theres an absolutely fabulous marathon on bbc america tomorrow, seriously contemplating watching that. honestly i have babysat for like the last ten years on new years so i dont know what to do. plus im not a boozer so its not like im gonna go hang out at a bar to build up to a ten second countdown. although it is nice to be in the same time zone as the one in ny so that i dont have to watch the ball drop twice. new years is kind of anti climactic holiday. i mean unless you have a bunch of friends to hang with it really is pointless.

on to aimlessly search the internet for an hour while i should be doing real work but choose not to....

--There are 7 levels of hell, she said, & I think one of them is reserved for people who bring jello salads to every potluck they go to.--

Saturday, December 20, 2008

thinkity think time

all this alone time really makes you think. it also makes you watch a lot of tv. and eat an entire box of sugar cookies. ok i almost ate all of them. i am taking some to st.louis with me. i sure hope those airline people dont take them away from me. these airlines are silly. they are going to charge me 15 bucks to check a bag. i mean the ticket was already a good bit of money and then they charge you extra b/c you have to bring christmas presents. ridonculous. they already dont give me peanuts but offer me trail mix for 2 bucks. um no thanks on paying for trail mix that i can make myself. gah. i mean seriously, i love flying, but they sure have taken away a lot of the perks. i miss the honey roasted peanuts. those were delish. those pretzels that some airlines give you these day are not exactly delish. and flight attendant, i do not want ice in my orange juice. g-ross. it's already concentrate geezum don't water it down anymore.

i wish i could summarize all my thoughts from the last three days, but there were so many i lost count. plus i am sure i talked to myself a lot. i did talk to our neighbor last night when i went to take pics of christmas lights in marion square. he said something to me ending in lovely. i said oh yeah. then he asked me what i wanted for christmas. i said money to pay bills. he said a sentence ending in bankruptcy and pointed to his friends in his front yard. then he gave me a hug and said something else ending in lovely again. oh and he liked out christmas lights. his name is nookie. he has a really sweet white suit he wore one time and came over and visited with us when we had a fire going in matty's fire pit. it was sharp. but i kind of think that he is most likely intoxicated 88% of the time so you don't always know what he is saying. but he does always remind us to buckle up when we pull out of the drive way so he does care about our safety.

so flying out tomorrow. going through detriot where they are having a snowstorm. oh joy. i am leaving charleston where it will be 65 degrees and going to st. louis where it will be 5 degrees. no joke. check weather.com. i have not been in 5 degree weather probably since i lived in st. louis back in the day (which was a wednesday) c. 1985 - 96. i think i may freeze to death. my toes and nose are already terrified and worried about their condition once they hit the cold air. although if i do get stuck in detriot, skollar has told me that the airport is really nice. so that is a positive i guess. i could ride the terminal train all night pretending im on the subway in europe or something. maybe there will be internationals on the train to make it seem more authentic.

not much exciting over the past couple of days. rented girl with a pearl earring, four weddings and a funeral, and the big chill. didnt get a chance to watch the big chill. wasnt sure it would be as good as the hype on the back said. but it will still be at the library when i get back so it is still a possibility. ate fried ice cream and sugar cookies from the teet (harris teeter, a grocery store, known locally, as in at this house as the teet. we also have the pig - piggly wiggly). drank a lot of water out of a styrofoam cup i got three days ago b/c it has a straw and i like straws. had a turkey bacon sandwich for dinner and watched way too many hours of real housewives of orange county season 4. got all my crizzap packed and just gonna go read about 18th century rich british peeps for a while. the next post will either be from an airport if my wireless works or from the lou. peace out

--There was a boy with skin as dark as the earth & a girl with eyes as blue as the deep & they loved each other so well that people could not tell them apart, for in their hearts, there was no difference between them.--

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I am Legend

so i feel like dr. neville in i am legend - which i just watched with matty a few days ago and i cant say i loved it. it ended alright but i dont know too much suspense and crazy human vampire things for me. anywho, i feel like him b/c everyone has officially left essentially. i am all alone in this big yellow house. only difference is i dont have to lock my house with iron sheets and bolts or anything to keep the vampires out and well when i walk the streets of charleston during the day, there are other people. but maybe they are vampires? a mutated form of vampire that can survive during the daylight. who knows.

i really stink at entertaining myself these days. the tv gets old. especially when new episodes of gossip girl and grey's arent on. i could work on thesis, but i need a few days break. i did a little today. im thinking about taking some bike rides around town the next two days as it will be 78 and 80!!! i may be wearing shorts in december. whack. maybe ill take some photogs. but after that im all out of ideas. im reading the duchess, about georgiana, the duchess of devonshire. its interesting but unfortunately i think im mildly add as my attention span is like that of a - oh look a squirrel. its bad. this whole sucking at being alone really worries me. what happens when i graduate, dont have school work to keep me busy, and only work so many hours a day (fingers crossed for the work part)? i may have to take up a hobby, like quilting, or spelunking, or tree climbing. i will be on the lookout for good hobbies.

today consisted of not getting much sleep and waking up really tired, going to school and organizing eight, count em, eight chapters of my thesis of which like four are finito. cha ching. but theres still way more to go unless i just want to hand in a glorified research paper and well...i dont. tried to get chik fil a for lunch but apparently the stern center closes at 2 b/c i guess break officially started today. backup was philly cheesesteak at the haven. it was aight. piddled on the computer - not literally, like i mean i looked stuff up etc. i didnt use the bathroom on the computer. i dont own it and that would be wrong. did some cad work for bridget, it was soothing. took skollar to the airport. contemplated going to the outlet mall but realized i need nothing from there. spent hours trying to find moms christmas present only to realize that ill have to get it in the lou. watched jon and kate plus 8, ghosthunters, and jeopardy until i realized the categories el suckoed. made scrambled eggs for dinner with eggs from the monks at mepkin abbey who would continue to raise chickens and eggs if peta hadnt gotten involved. monks are so violent towards chickens, especially the cistercians. peta - get a life! they are monks and they only raise them for eggs. ding dongs. and now at the late hour of 8:54 i am going to get in bed and read for a while. enrich the neurons.

tomorrow is a mystery. we shall see what happens. i may shop for moms present. or ride bikes - see aforementioned topics in paragraph above. i do know this though - i am having rotini with spaghetti sauce for dinner. heck maybe an early dinner too. peace.

If I ran the world, he told me, I'd pretty much leave it alone & spend my time reading & I'd advise other people to do the same. Which is why I'll probably never run the world, he said.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Can't Sleep

so i totally didnt post that last one at 952 pm. what time zone does this thing operate out of? hawaii?

i cant sleep b/c this whole "real" world thing that happens after you graduate is a bit scary. now i was part of a piece of it for about eight months and it wasnt terrible, but i also knew i wasnt going to be in it all that long. now looking ahead to may is frightening, especially with the way the whole job situation is looking for everyone. and the only positions hiring are for directors, managers, etc with eight million years of experience. where are the people who are going to give me that experience??? if anyone knows where those people are let me know. and plus looking ahead at the semester left in front of me isnt a walk in the park either. fifteen hours, a thesis, an extra project as part of my assistantship (which i am excited to work on b/c i get to play on cad and it will be a really cool thing to work on, but just a lot to add during thesis semester) and....one of those classes is cultural landscapes, which will become the bane of my existence. i like trees and bushes and flowers. they are pretty. but i am not really stoked about how they are arranged or planted or how they were planted in 1824. let me take a lab class instead where i will create a cohesive project that will be useful to me. im not going into landscapes and some may say well one day maybe you will like it, well when that day comes i will go to barnes and noble and read up on it. but for now no thank you. dont punish me for being a guinea pig year. ugh. frustration. sighs. grunts.

enough of venting. for now. trust me there will be much venting due to the tree class.

this guy drove down radcliffe today in a tiny blue car that he had equipped with like a system where he talks in the car and it is really loud like the cops have. now he may have looked an ounce of cool had he not been by himself, slightly potato shaped, and not in a clown car. it makes me wonder what possessed this guy to just decide to a) put that system in his car and then b) drive around charleston talking on it. to make it better, he didnt say works, but rather just yelled unintelligible words. but then again maybe this guy has the answers and all the confidence in the world. i should have got his tag number and traced him. he may be an oracle.

it was 71 here today. tomorrow it will be 78. im not complaining but it was just so weird to be wearing sandals on december 16 and to be hot. like wishing i was in shorts. very odd.

i still dont think i know what i want to do with my life. is that bad? shouldnt i know by now. i mean almost eightenn years of school under my belt and not entirely sure if i have done all the right stuff. i know i still dont want to be a doctor. that was my er phase and well i stopped watching the show when dr. green died so that dream died a while ago. forensic anthropology was fun until i realized the one class got me my fill. although i do miss identifying bones. too bad you cant just run around telling people which bone is which and then they give you a gold star and some money. that would be the perfect career. and now theres historic preservation. i enjoy it no doubt but when someone asks me what i am interested in doing or what am i going to do with it, i have no idea. i find that may be problematic. i know what i like but the likelihood of me going out there and saying i really love historic hardware; can i have a job in that? is low. oh woe is me. ive thought about being a professor but to get a decent paying professor job i would need a phd and well im a little burned out on school (which will likely only last a year and i will want to go back again, but will likely resist unless i win the lottery). i could see myself teaching. maybe. maybe i should be a photographer. or a maid. or a amateur chef. or a professional eater. i guess the jury is still out. one day, hopefully, i will know what i want to be when i grow up. i think i am going to create a new career of professional learner. just go to school forever. for-eva (in the voice of squints from sandlot)

ive got to waste some time on the internet now to tire my eyes...

--Whenever he sat in the swingset it got tangled up. He said it was demons in the steel that were drawn to the sweat & sorrow of the steelworkers across the generations. Plastic doesn't have those sorts of problems yet, he said.--

A First Profound Post

so i am going to try my hand at this blogging thing although i dont expect a ton of readers. nor do i expect to make profound, life altering statements or have amazingly interesting stories. i guess this will end up being more for me. how selfish i know. but then again for those people that i care a lot about but dont get to see much because life gets in the way, i guess this can serve as a way to see what the heck i am doing.

as for the title of my blog, some people will know where that comes from and well the rest of you, you will find out later. its just a funny story that i will probably never ever forget. thanks kate - honestly you are one of the funniest and most enjoyable people i have ever met and little michael should be glad to know he has so many admirers.

warning to all readers (all maybe two to three of you): i am wordy, i dont mean to be, for some reason i have always been a lot wordier when i write or type than when i speak. it may be a disorder. i dont know. so some posts may be long. incredibly long. but hopefully if you really like me or really care you will read it. if not, no biggie.

also, i have seen that you can add all sorts of things like pics and stuff to this jazz and well once i figure out how to do that. trust me i will. i love photos and one day will learn the art of photography.

lastly, i am going to try to do the same thing everytime i end my posts. that will be using a quote or a saying that i really like and to tell the truth, most of them will come from storypeople b/c sometimes i feel like they were written about me even though i know their creator has never and probably will never meet me. it basically boils down to that if i ever become a professor, i always wanted to be the one that had a schtick/trademark. like my anthropology professor, bob, who always wore a cross stitched belt that looked like the flags of the world and everyday would say "it's a great day for anthropology!" i dont think i ever saw him mad. ever. except that i wanted mine to be that on the first day of classes i would enter the room (picture a large auditorium like room) from the back and come down the aisle to an 80s rock song with fog machines and then i would jump up on the lecture table thing like they had in the rooms at lsu and just talk about myself. i would also use powerpoints to present information that had randomly thrown in pictures of my pets. so anywho since this is on the computer, my trademark will obviously have to be typed. so there. so to ceremoniously being this thing....

Hasn't started to make sense of the world yet but thinks it's beautiful all the same.